The Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia (SEA-Teacher) program is a flagship initiative by SEAMEO designed to provide pre-service teachers with cross-cultural teaching experiences. This program aims to enhance participants’ cultural understanding while equipping them with teaching skills relevant to the global stage. In 2024, three students from the Biology Education Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) were selected to participate in the 10th Batch of the SEA-Teacher Project, marking a significant milestone in their academic journey.

Caecilia Novi Cahyaningrum, Difa Hasna Soebroto, and Firda Aulia Sabrihana departed for the Philippines and Thailand as UNS representatives. In this program, they are teaching at senior high schools and collaborating with local teachers and students. Caecilia is completing her teaching duties at Saint Louis University in the Philippines, while Difa and Firda have both traveled to Thailand. Difa is teaching at Udonpittayanukoon School under the supervision of Udon Thani University, whereas Firda is gaining teaching experience at The Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University.

The selection process for the SEA-Teacher program is highly competitive. Students are required to demonstrate excellent academic performance, strong communication skills in English, and a high level of dedication to the teaching profession. The success of these three students reflects their hard work, determination, and readiness to face upcoming challenges.

The SEA-Teacher program brings new challenges to the participants. Teaching abroad requires adapting to different cultural norms, understanding diverse teaching methods, and overcoming language barriers. However, these challenges are what make the program so valuable. Participants not only grow into better educators but also become more open-minded individuals with a broader perspective on global education systems.

For Caecilia, Difa, and Firda, this program is an opportunity to introduce innovative approaches in biology education at their host schools. At the same time, they gain valuable insights into the education systems of other Southeast Asian countries. This experience is expected to positively impact their personal development while contributing to the improvement of educational quality in Indonesia.

The participation of these three students is a source of pride for Universitas Sebelas Maret, particularly the Biology Education Program. Their journey serves as an inspiration for other students to dream big, embrace new challenges, and make meaningful contributions to education on an international level.

We congratulate Caecilia, Difa, and Firda on this remarkable achievement. May their SEA-Teacher 2024 experience be a meaningful step toward their careers as professional educators and future leaders in education.