- HMP BIOSFER (Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi BIOSFER)
Website : hmpbiologiuns.wixsite.com/biosfer
Instagram : @hmpbiologiuns
Biofest is an icon of HMP Biosfer. This activity combines 3 divisions, namely study club, education division, and spiritual division. Biofest is motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic so that 3 events are combined into one to minimize the time and budget. Because it is in great demand and is the single largest event in the Biosfer, this event is still maintained and becomes a Biosfer icon. Biofest presents a variety of activities on a national scale, such as essay competitions, scientific writing competitions, talk shows, and awards.
There are still many activities held by HMP Biosfer. In the academic field, there is Sembio which is a biology seminar and in collaboration with the department. This is held on a national scale where the speakers presented are highly competent. In addition to presenting speakers from within the country, Sembio also presents speakers from abroad. HMP Biosfer also held Fobia, which in this activity aims to increase the spirit and motivation of Biosfer members to strive for achievement. Fobia presents alumni of Biology Education Sebelas Maret University (UNS) or other Outstanding UNS students.
The social division has a built-in hamlet. This assisted hamlet is located in Mojosongo village. This activity is expected to help advance the hamlet. Basidium is a social service activity organized by the social division. Usually, basidium is carried out with social service to orphanages around UNS.
HMP Biosfer also has a study club as a forum to develop student’s talents and interests. For now, the existing study group is Albatros and Grandis. Albatros is a study club related to birds. This study club observes things related to birds and already has 1 event on a national scale, namely Lawu Bird Watching Competition. Grandis is a study group in the field of bio-edupreneurship.
In addition to these major activities, HMP Biosfer also has many internal and external activities that aim to strengthen bonding between students such as biochamp, ngabar, upgrading lamina, samaru, osmaru, makrab, and others.
The recruitment of HMP Biosfer begins with an internship for prospective applicants. After that, continue with registration and screening to get competent cadre. After the screening is assessed with several criteria that have been determined and ended with the announcement of the new managing board.
HMP Biosfer cooperates with the department continuously, because HMP Biosfer is under the auspices of the Biology Education department. In many ways, we still involve the study program because we can’t work alone. In making decisions and in various activities, we need to consult with the department.
2. ALBATROS (Kelompok Studi Pengamat Burung)
Instagram : albatros_uns
Albatros is a study club that focuses on birdwatching. Activities in Albatros consist of birdwatching, basic education and training, bird identification & sketch training, and bird photography training. There are no special conditions in the recruitment of Albatros members, all active students of biology education who have an interest in the world of Avifauna may register. Each activity carried out by the Albatros must be consulted first with the head of the department until finally obtaining permission to carry out activities.
3. ETLO ID (Kelompok Studi Kewirausahaan)
Email : etlo.id.pbiouns@gmail.com
Webite : etloid.weeblysite.com
WhatsApp : +62 813-2666-4134
Instagram : @etlo.id
Youtube : etlo.id
Facebook : Etlo id
Twitter : @etlo_idEtlo.id
is a bio-edupreneurship study club focused on eco printing management. Etlo.id produces several products, such as clothes, pouches, souvenirs, headscarves, and others. Activities carried out in Etlo.id includes eco print production activities, training or workshops, and sharing or mentoring. Recruitment of Etlo.id members is assisted by HMP Biosfer. Etlo.id work under the auspices of the department, therefore every activity requires the approval of the department.