Freedom of Learning
“Giving freedom and autonomy to educational institutions, and free of bureaucratization, lecturer is released from convoluted bureaucratization and student is given freedom to choose which field of study they like”
Nadim Anwar Makarim
Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (Freedom of Learning in Freed Campus/FLFC) is one of the policies from the Ministry of Education and Culture. One of the programs is right of students for three semester study outside their original institution. This program is based on the following legal:
- Act No. 20 of 2003, concerning the National Education System.
- Act No. 12 of 2012, concerning Higher Education.
- Act No. 6 of 2014, concerning Villages.
- Government Regulation Number 04 of 2014, concerning the Implementation of and Management of Higher Education.
- Presidential Regulation number 8 of 2012, concerning Frameworks for National Qualifications.
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020, concerning National Higher Education Standards.
- Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration Number 11 of 2019 concerning Priority for the Use of Village Funds in 2020.
- Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration Number 16 of 2019, concerning Village Deliberations.
- Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration Number 17 of 2019, concerning General Guidelines for Development and Empowerment of Village Communities.
- Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration Number 18 of 2019, concerning General Guidelines for Village Community Assistance.
Concepts and Program
To prepare students to deal with changes in society, culture, the working world, and rapid technology advances, students must be kept in touch with society. Link and match not only with the industrial world and working world but also with the future that rapidly changes. Higher education or college is accused of being able to be able to design and implement innovative study process so that students can reach the study goal include affective, cognitive, and psycho-motoric optimally and always relevant.
FLFC is expected to be the answer to those problems. FLFC gave students autonomy and flexibility to create innovative, independent, and proper study cultures with student needs.
The main program is easiness in opening a new study program, change of college accreditation system, easiness of college to be a legal entity, and right of three semesters studying outside the original institutions. The student has the freedom to take the course from outside institutions, one semester outside the department, and two semesters outside the university.
The outbound courses including internship or practical work in industries, doing community services, teaching in educational institutions, following student exchange, doing research, doing entrepreneur activities, making independent study or project, and involved in humanitarian efforts. All of that should be guided by lecturers. FLFC is expected to contextual experience and increases students.
FLFC adopted student-centered learning. FLFC gives challenges and chances to develop innovation, creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs and developing independence to seek and find knowledge through real-life problem-solving, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demand, target, and its achievement. Through the independent learning programs, students’ skills are expected to be improved.
FLFC is expected to answer the challenge to generate graduates who can adapt to the current development, science and technology, workforce and industrial demand, and social dynamics.
FLFC is to increase graduates’ competencies, either soft skills or hard skills, so that better prepared and relevant with current needs, and prepare graduates as the future leader. Experiential learning programs with flexible paths are expected to facilitate students to develop their potential according to their passion and talent.
Guide Book
Recognition mbkm