The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a form of implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education launched by the Directorate General of Diktiristek in 2022 under the management of Belmawa is an effort to foster, accommodate, and realize students’ creative and innovative ideas. PKM has an impact on improving student achievement and higher educational achievement in the ranking of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.
PKM is developed to bring students to the level of enlightenment of creativity and innovation based on mastery of science and technology and high faith. In order to prepare themselves to become leaders who are scholars, independent and wise entrepreneurs, students are allowed to implement their abilities, skills, attitudes, responsibilities, build teamwork and develop independence through creative activities in their fields of study.
To accommodate the development of students’ creative and innovative ideas, PKM continues to be developed and refined so that students can anticipate, understand and even contribute to realizing the goals of world life launched by the United Nations in 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015-2030.
PKM topics are unrestricted. PKM is prepared to encourage students and lecturers to support the MBKM program and to achieve KPIs. PKM can help students get a decent job when they graduate, gain experience outside the campus, and provide opportunities for accompanying lecturers to do activities outside the campus, and the results of lecturers’ work can be used by the community. PKM accommodates students to be able to develop HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), Creative Thinking, and Critical Thinking through the implementation of the philosophy of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

PKM is broadly grouped into 2 (two):

1. PKM Funding, consisting of 8 PKM fields, namely PKM-RE (PKM Exact Research); PKM-RSH (PKM Social Humanities Research); PKM-K (PKM Entrepreneurship); PKMPM (PKM Community Service); PKM-PI (PKM Application of Science and Technology); PKM-KC (PKM Karsa Cipta); PKM-KI (PKM Innovative Work); and PKM-VGK (PKM Video Constructive Ideas);

2. Incentive PKM, consisting of 2 PKM fields, namely PKM-GFT (PKM Written Futuristic Ideas) and PKM-AI (PKM Scientific Articles).

PKM is a program that provides funding for student teams that pass the selection. BBESP UNS students can participate in PKM by submitting a team proposal and being guided by a supervisor, to the Belmawa Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Information regarding PKM activities and uploading proposals can be through the page: BBESP students who have passed and received PKM funding are as follows:

1 Hasna Azzahra 2022 PKMPM Si Kome: Comic Series as Sexual Learning Media for Children of TPA Rusunawa Jurug
2 Yanti Sulistyana 2021 PKMK CEREGENICS: Banana Heart Cereal Bar as Breast Milk Productivity Booster
3 Endah Ayu Dewani 2021 PKMK Bitter melon crackers as a healthy snack to maintain immunity
4 Illiyyin Putuhana 2021 PKMK Environmentally Friendly Playdough Learning Package to Stimulate Children’s Motor Skills as an Alternative to Prevent Early Childhood Device Addiction
5 Ayu Kartika Putri 2021 PKMK PUSAR: Shrimp Pellets from Chicken Bone Waste and Sargassum sp Extract as an Effort to Increase Shrimp Production in Coastal Communities
6 Anggi Prastiwi Kumalasari 2021 PKMK Soya Yoghurt: A Probiotic Drink Combining Soy Extract with Green Tea or Coffee during the COVID-19 Pandemic
7 Hasna Azzahra 2021 PKMRE Effect of Ointment from Tamarind Leaf Extract (Tamarindus indica) on Reducing the Number of Propionibacterium acnes Bacteria that Trigger Acne
8 Hamida Rahmawati 2021 PKMKC As Syifa: Moslem Mental Care App, Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Efforts in Treating Depression and Anxiety Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic
9 Amalia Firdaus Yanti 2020 PKMK Making Organic Chicken Feed to Increase Weight and Deodorize Manure to Support the Availability of Quality and Cheap Feeds 


Students who receive PKM funding and have completed PKM activities will make a presentation. If the implementation of activities and presentations is good, they can qualify to participate in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). Students who successfully entered PIMNAS are as follows:


1 Ayu Kartika Putri 2021 PKMK PUSAR: Shrimp Pellets from Chicken Bone Waste and Sargassum sp Extract as an Effort to Increase Shrimp Production in Coastal Communities Participants
2 Amalia Firdaus Yanti 2020 PKMK Making Organic Chicken Feed to Increase Weight and Deodorize Manure to Support the Availability of Quality and Cheap Feeds Silver Medal in the Poster Category

