Student Activity:
Various student organizations are established at the faculty and university levels to accommodate and provide a platform for students’ aspirations and improve their reasoning abilities, interests, hobbies, and talents. There are 32 student organizations at the university level, and there are even more at the faculty level.
In UNS, student organizations are known as Students’ Activity Unit (UKM). UNS Student Organizations are equipped with two UKM buildings with three and four floors. Each UKM is headquartered and has a room for a secretariat office to foster development, coordination, and synergy within each UKM both internally and externally.
The various Students’ Activity Unit available in UNS are classified into four categories:
Interest and Ability
- Coordination Board of Traditional Culture (BKKT)
BKKT is for students who are interested in developing traditional cultures through art appreciation. As time passes, BKKT UNS continues to develop contemporary arts while reflecting on traditional Javanese arts because BKKT UNS still aims to preserve traditional cultures in Central Java and Solo.
- Students’ Choir (PSM) Voca Erudita
Voca Erudita is a university student choir becoming a source of pride for UNS, Solo, and Indonesia, considering the numerous accomplishments that continue to raise the profile of UNS, Solo, and Indonesia in international levels.
- Marching Band (MB)
Marching Band activities are designed to foster students’ interests in the field of music, specifically, group-based instrumental music performed while marching for entertainment or competition.
- Scout
The Scout group of UNS front group Surakarta 04.555 & 04.550 has annual routine events, including the Flag Hoisting Troop for Indonesia’s Independence Day ceremony at UNS, leadership and management development (LPKM), and others.
- Volunteer Corps of the Indonesian Red Cross (KSR PMI)
KSR PMI is involved in the red cross, social, humanity, and community service.
- Students Press Board (LPM) Kentingan
LPM Kentingan assists students who are interested in the press and journalism. To disseminate information across campus, LPM Kentingan publishes a bulletin, a magazine, and online media.
- Student English Forum (SEF)
SEF assists students in developing critical thinking, logical analysis, structural speech, and audience engagement through activities focusing on debating and public speaking.
- Students’ Scientific Study (SIM)
SIM is the scientific club at UNS that acts as a change agent through innovative and productive works, analytical thinking, and creativity in dealing with community change. Programs such as science school, development, scientific festival, PKM dissemination, and so on are available.
- Students’ Cooperation (KOPMA)
KOPMA advances member development through human resource development by directly managing business units formed out of mutual interest from, by, and for members.
- Qur’an sciences(IQ)
IQ advances in the discussion, recital, and comprehension of al-Qur’an, Islamic religious books, and the development of members’ activities.
Religious Activities
- Students’ Activity Unit of Nurul Huda Congregation (JN UKMI)
A student organization dedicated to instilling Islamic values for its members. - Christian Students Association (PMK)
A student organization dedicated to instilling Christian values for its members. - Catholic Students Family (KMK)
A student organization dedicated to instilling Catholic values for its members. - Hindu Dharma Students Family
A student organization dedicated to instilling Hindu values for its members. - Buddhist Students Alliance
A student organization dedicated to instilling Buddhist values for its members.
- Students Regiment (Menwa) Jagal Abilawa
As the manifestation of the three pillars of higher education, MENWA accommodates students to enhance their nationality and community service. - Nature Conversationist Students (Mapala) Garba Wira Bhuana
Garba Wira Bhuana is a nature and outdoor enthusiast organization that has been in existence since 1977. This organization’s mission is to preserve, protect, and love nature and everything in it. Mountaineering, caving, rock climbing, rafting, and other social and cultural activities are also on the Garba Wira Bhuana agenda. - Taekwondo
Taekwondo is a modern martial art rooted in Korean tradition. - Tapak Suci
Tapak Suci is one of the roots of Pencak Silat, an Indonesian traditional martial art. - Perisai Diri
Perisai Diri is one of the roots of Pencak Silat, an Indonesian traditional martial arts - Merpati Putih
Merpati Putih is one of the roots of Pencak Silat, an Indonesian traditional martial arts - Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate(PSHT)
PSHT is one of the roots of Pencak Silat, an Indonesian traditional martial arts - INKAI
INKAI is one of the martial arts organizations from Japan, Karate, which means “Empty Hand.” - Kempo
Kempo is one of the martial arts organizations coming from Japan, which means “Law of the Fist.” - Badminton
One of the sports organizations focuses on badminton - Football
One of the sports organizations focuses on football. - Volley
One of the sports organizations focuses on volleyball. - Table Tennis
One of the sports organizations focuses on table tennis. - Field Tennis
One of the sports organizations focuses on field tennis.
Students’ Council (DEMA)
DEMA is a representative council where students can express their hopes and interests. Policies will be developed through this council as the foundation for university officials and the president of the students’ executive board to run the wheel of government manifested in law.
Students’ Executive Board (BEM).
BEM is an intra-campus organization that serves as the university’s executive board.