Before doing study activities, students must apply for a study plan in each initial semester. They fill the study plan form via an academic portal for applying for study plan in a specified period, after students have met all requirements. In applying for the study plan, students must consult with their academic advisors to get approval. If students are late to fill the study plan form from a specified time, they will lose academic rights in the semester period.

Academic Advisor has responsibilities to:

  • Give quality academic counseling.
  • Motivate their students to be quality and successful learners.
  • Lead their students to make planning, intelligent in the process of learning in UNS, so that they are able to graduate complying with specified programs and competency.
  • Help their students possess the competency to internalize glorious values of UNS
  • Help their students develop intellectual character commendably.
  • Motivate their students to become graduates who always adapt to sciences and technology progress.


Each course has its syllabus, full details of which, including the aims and learning outcomes of your course, can be found in the Department’s Programme Specifications Catalogue. Your course structure, including your specific programme specification, can be found on the SIAKAD UNS website.


Your course will be made up of a certain number of credits. Generally, an undergraduate degree contains 144 credits worth of modules in total during your course. This is divided into maximum 24 credits pch semester of study, with credits allocated to each module that you take.

Learning outcomes

Each course has learning outcomes needed to be met. Course learning outcomes re categorised into knowledge, attitude, and practical skills, and are also defined more specifically at a modular level. Having this information means that you can measure your progress against the outcomes, for example when reviewing coursework feedback.

Choosing Your Course

You may have course options to select as part of your course structure. If you do, you must select the modules you wish to enrol on before the academic year begins. You can view and choose your specific options through the SIAKAD UNS system ( ). New students can do so from the end of August and returning students can from the July preceding the next academic year. Early module enrolment ensures that timetables can be scheduled effectively.

How to choosing your modules

  1. Input your login user with your NIM or student number in the first column, bank code as your password, and input the captha code.
  2. Choose “Konsultasi PA” in the menu. Before input the modules, you should to fill consultation form and send it to your lecturer.
  3. Fill the consultation form and then click “Kirim”.
  4. After you send the form then choose Kartu Rencana (KRS) menu. Click “Tambah Mata Kuliah” to add your course. Choose your course based on your academic year, semester, and class until your maximum amount of credit (SKS) specified.
  5. Your modules (KRS) should be accepted by your lecturer before you print out the modules. Please meet or contact your lecturer to ask for your modules approval before the academic year begin.
  6. If you has got your modules approval then now you could print out your modules. Click “Cetak KRS” and then print out your modules. The modules should be signed by your lecturer (Academic advisor) to validate all of your course. This module would be used for a semester and would be signed by each course lecturer.
  7. Approved KRS is submitted to Academic and Student Division (original), Academic advisor (duplicate), student (duplicate); after that, they get proof of admission from Academic and Student Division.
  8. If students do not submit the approved KRS to the Academic and Student Division, the concerned students do not get registration as active students to follow academic activities in the semester.
  9. Students have the chance to change KRS at no later than 2 (two) weeks after the lecture starts.
  10. They have the chance to cancel KRS no later than the fourth week after the lecture starts.
  11. Students must get approval from the Academic advisors to change and cancel their KRS

List of Courses and Module Handbooks