Recruitment of students in the BBESP FTTE UNS Study Program follows the procedures in force at UNS, carried out by the UNS New Student Admissions Selection Technical Implementation Unit (UPT.SPMB). The new student admission policy for BBESPFTTE UNS is coordinated centrally by the university under the responsibility of the Chancellor. The requirements for registration of new students have been regulated by SPMB UNS. The selection process for entering new students is carried out through several channels:

a. Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi (SNBP)

This selection system is devoted to selecting prospective state higher education students by using the academic achievements of prospective students. Students who achieve high and consistently show their achievements are eligible to be submitted by the school to enter state universities through SNBP. Information related to SNBP can be seen in or

b. Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes (SNBT)

This selection is a joint selection for the acceptance of new students in the Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) through a written exam which is held simultaneously throughout Indonesia. The test is administered by the Tim Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SNPMB) / National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB). In addition to written exams, some majors also require skills exams. Information relating to the SBMPTN can be seen at

c. Seleksi Mandiri Universitas Sebelas Maret (SM UNS)

UNS SM is the UNS Independent New Student Admission Selection using several selection bases.
Registration information, registration requirements, and registration procedures can be accessed via

Universitas Sebelas Maret also invites prospective students with foreign or non-Indonesian citizenship to become students at UNS. Registration information, registration requirements and registration procedures can be accessed via