Study Program Name |
Biology Education
Faculty |
Teacher Training and Education
Level |
Strata 1 / Bachelor
Year Established | January 23, 1966 |
Addres |
Ir. Sutami Street 36 Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 57126
Office Addres |
Building D 3rd Floor FKIP UNS
Accreditation Status
A BAN PT (2019-2024), ASIIN (2022-2023), & A LAMDIK (Agustus 2024-Februari 2025) |
Graduate Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) |
Website | | | |
Youtube | Pend Biologi FKIP UNS |
biologifkipuns | |
Pend Biologi Fkip UNS | |
Coordinate | -7.5564466268851325, 110.85534683102954 |
Number of Student | 452 |
Number of Lecturer | 23 |

Bachelor of Biology Education Study Program (BBESP) aims to educate students to become teachers, researchers, and entrepreneurs in the field of biology and learning. BBESP are students who fulfill the passing grade and are selected through the mechanism of admitting new students at UNS. Student input in the UNS Biology Education study program is good. The number of applicants fluctuates from year to year, and in 2022 there were 1,191 candidates with a capacity of around 111 students on average. The stringency rate for entering the BBE program ranges from 1:10 on average with only around 10% of applicants being accepted into the study program.
Student services, both academic and non-academic, can be well guaranteed. Non-academic services in seven service aspects, namely counselling, interests and talents, soft skills development, scholarships, health and welfare as well as academic forums are available at the university, faculty and study program levels, and are accessible to all students. Services in the form of academic and organizational freedom can also be enjoyed by students of the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UNS. The opportunity to take part in the BIOSFER Study Program Student Association (HMP), Student Activity Units (UKM), and other extracurriculars, is an example of giving freedom to organize and take part in accordance with the interests and talents of students. Several interest and talent sub-organizations under BIOSFER, namely Etlo.Id (Entrepreneurship Study Club), ALBATROS (Bird Observer Study Club), Olympiad Study Club, are also facilitation of freedom of expression in accordance with students’ interests and talents.
The total number of permanent lecturers owned by the BBESP in 2022 is 23 personnel. The qualifications of permanent lecturers of the BBESP according to functional positions are professors (5 people), Associate Professor (5 people), Assistant Professor (9 people), Senior Lecturer (3 people), and Junior Lecturer (2 people). Qualifications according to education level are S3 (17 people) and S2 (6 people). There are 2 supporting staff in the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP UNS, namely: 1 Administrative Staff, and 1 Laboratory Assistant. The quality of lecturers in study programs is formally recognized in a certification called Lecturer Certification carried out by the government based on Government Regulation Number 37 of 2009. There are 21 certified lecturers (87.5%). The ratio of lecturers to students equal to 1: 15 can be considered ideal based on the ratio regulated by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Permendikbud No. 40/2014). Based on this ratio, each lecturer can carry out their duties optimally, namely: teaching: 2-4 courses/semester or a maximum of 20 credits, guiding thesis: 3-4 students/semester, guiding seminar courses: 3-4 students/semester and becoming academic advisors: 7-20 students.

Lecturers’ Educational Qualification at BBESP

Lecturers’ Functional Position at BBESP
The curriculum in the Biology Education study program has been developed with reference to the vision and objectives of the study program and procedurally formulated through reconstruction procedures that have accommodated input from several parties including alumni and users. Each subject in the competency group can be drawn on its relevance to the graduate profile and graduate competency profile. The courses in the competency group are arranged according to the competency elements in the Decree of the Minister of National Education No 045/U/2002. The curriculum that runs in the Biology Education Study Program for the semester February-July 2021, is the 2018 Curriculum, 2020 Curriculum, and 2022 Curriculum (Revision from 2020 Curriculum). The 2022 curriculum is the newest curriculum that was developed following the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM). In the MBKM curriculum, students are free to take courses outside the study program and outside the UNS campus.
Learning is carried out in accordance with the applicable curriculum and follows the provisions of the Chancellor of UNS Chancellor’s Decree number: 553/H27/PP/2009 concerning competency-based learning in semester credits. Learning carried out in the Biology Education study program has been carried out based on planning and monitoring according to SPMI. Learning has implemented several strategies to achieve meaningful learning, is student center learning, and is supported by learning support facilities. Virtual lectures are supported by ZOOM Meeting subscriptions which can facilitate lecture and exam activities. Problem and project-based learning systems (PBL), case studies, and collaborative learning are the teaching methods that dominate the courses in the BBESP. The freedom of students to actualize is guaranteed by giving freedom to students to work on achievements, interests and talents. Academically, scientific communication facilities in the form of internal journals, journal subscriptions, national seminars, international seminars, workshops, and guest lecturer lectures have also been regularly held.
Academic activities running in the Biology Education study program have been supported by adequate funds from RBA, other sources (research and service) and lecturer salaries. Academic activities that take place have also been supported by laboratory facilities and adequate lecture rooms as well as lecturer workspaces that are quite good and connected. Other facilities in the form of a reading room are also adequately available with collections that are quite facilitating. Academic activities that take place in the Biology Education study program have been supported by a good information system. The computerized information system has facilitated students, lecturers and employees to be able to carry out their activities according to their assignments.