The Biology Education Study Program FKIP UNS already has an alumni association, namely the Alumni Family of the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UNS which is part of the IKA UNS. The Alumni Association of the Alumni Association of the FKIP UNS Biology Education Study Program was reinitiated on December 31, 2011 because the alumni organization was then inactive. The organizational structure of the Alumni Family of the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UNS 2024-2029 has the following organizational structure:
Position | Name |
Ketua | Krisnawan, S.Pd. M.Eng |
Wakil Ketua | Eko Setyaningsih,S.Pd,M.Si. |
Sekretaris 1 | Ernawati, S.Pd., M.Sc |
Sekretaris 2 | Endang Tri Wahyuni,S.Pd,M.Pd |
Bendahara 1 | Tutut Sumarjiyana, S.Pd. |
Bendahara 2 | Novi Andari Yasminingsih, S.Pd, M.Si |
Koord Alumni Antar Wilayah | Drs. Wiwin Harjanto |
Publikasi 1 | Erna Pudyaningsih,S.Pd |
Publikasi 2 | Surono, S.Pd |
Donasi Alumni | Muhammad Yusuf Mansur, S.Pd |
Kerjasama Antar Instansi 1 | Faisal Imam Prasetyo, S.Pd., Gr. |
Kerjasama Antar Instansi 2 | Budi Lenggono, S.Pd., M.Psi. |
Humas 1 | Nuryaningsih, S.Pd. |
Humas 2 | Joko Dwi Suranto, S. Pd. M. Pd |
The organizational structure of the Alumni Family of the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UNS 2017-2021 has the following organizational structure:
Position | Name |
Ketua | Krisnawan, S.Pd. M.Eng |
Wakil Ketua | Drs. Wiwin Harjanto |
Sekretaris 1 | Tutut Sumarjiyana, S.Pd. |
Sekretaris 2 | Ernawati, S.Pd |
Bendahara 1 | Novi Andari Yasminingsih, S.Pd, M.Si |
Bendahara 2 | Joko Dwi Suranto, S.Pd |
Koordinator Donasi Alumni | Muh. Yusuf Mansur, S.Pd |
Humas | Budi Lenggono, S.Pd |