Congratulation! Alya, Kiranda, and Machlyssa te Winning 2nd Place Champion on Education Fair VIII Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Education Fair VIII scientific writing competition is an annual competition by Universitas Negeri Surabaya.  This year is the 8nd year this agenda will be held with  theme “Mengoptimalkan kontribusi generasi muda sebagai angen of change di era 5.0”.

Biology Education and Physics Education students are part of the finalist team for the 2024 Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Education Fair VIII Delegation on May 27, 2024

In the final of the Education Fair VIII Scientific Writing competition, FKIP UNS sent a team of delegates: Alya Aisyah Amin (2022 Biology Education), Kiranda Dinata (2021 Physics Education), and Machlyssa Ekadara Rahmaning Setiana (2022 Biology Education).

The scientific paper prepared by the FKIP UNS delegation team was entitled “Teach-Co: Peningkatan Etos Kerja Dan Coping Mechanism Pada Guru Pemula Berbasis Mobile App Dengan Responsive Voice Sebagai Upaya Mendukung Pendidikan Berkualitas Tahun 2045”. This Scientific Writing is an innovative development in the form of a Mobile App which is intended as a medium for sharing and consultation between novice teachers and counselors, expert mentors, and practitioner mentors.

The final round was held offline in the TUK Room on the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Education Building and the awarding of scientific papers took place on the 11th Floor of the Rectorate Building, Universitas negeri surabaya.  At the implementation of Education Fair VIII, the FKIP UNS delegation was awarded 2nd place.